Laser Services GentleMax The Candela GentleMax is the newest, most versatial laser system from Candela, a leader for 37 years in laser and light-based technology. It starts with two Best-In-Class lasers, GentleYag and GentleLASE. The GentleYAG, the fastest and most powerful YAG system on the market effective for treating all skin types, including tanned skin, for permanet hair reduction, leg and facial veins, wrinkles and skin tightening. GentleLASE is the premier treatment for unwanted hair, pigment and wrinkles. Click Here for more information.
GentleLase The Candela GentleLASE system safely and effectively treats a wide variety of cosmetic skin problems that before now were difficult or impossible to treat. Our GentleLASE laser technology is known for its ability to provide permanent hair reduction for all skin types as well as treatment capabilities for pigmented and vascular lesions, and wrinkles. Click Here for more information.
GentleYAG The new GentleYAG is FDA cleared to treat all skin types, including tanned skin, and offers unmatched Nd:YAG treatment capabilities in permanent hair reduction. In addition, the GentleYAG can also treat pseudofolliculitis barbae (PFB), vascular lesions such as leg veins, hemangiomas and port wine stains, and wrinkles. Click Here for more information
AlexTriVantage Many people are uncomfortable with unsightly dermal lesions like age spots, freckles and birthmarks, or with a tattoo they had applied several years ago. The AlexTriVantage has everything needed to treat virtually any tattoo of all colors and treat dermal and epidermal pigmented lesions. Click Here for more information
Call (716) 66 LASER in Jamestown for a free consultation.